Thursday, 2 February 2017

What's the Name of the Game...

Band Name:


drawing inspiration from my travels to Costa Rica and no matter where you was either on the streets or being greeted at the hostels, they always said PURA VIDA. With that, it might sound creepy but I found a tattoo of pura and the font is really edgy and may consider that kind of style for my album. 

Album Name: 


I'm not really sure where I got this from. Maybe because my band is called pure, and it is more of a new beginning. 

Song Title names:

1. Tulip Touch
2. Forest Lake
3. Canada Water
4. On Air
5. Blunt
6. King of Evil
7. St George
8. Sweeter Than Heaven
9. A Lily in a Rose Garden
10. How to Dance Alone
11. Running Rings Around Wild
12. Travel with a Vengeance 
13. New York Nocturnal 

These aren't 100% yet but asking my group whether they like them I have received positive feedback but I still want more feedback so I shall be asking my friends and the rest of my class whether they like them. I also may not use all 13 as it needs to fits around my album ideas.

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